Для дошкільного віку
Speak English. It is easy!
Ця книжка має на меті допомогти дітям, що починають вивчати англійську мову, оволодіти елементарними навичками усно! мови. У книжці два розділи:
1. Вірші.
2. Фразеологічні сполучення.
Перший розділ може бути використаний учнями самостійно, роботу над другим розділом слід проводити під керівництвом учителя (наприклад, в гуртку розмовної мови).
Вірші рекомендуються для. читання та вивчення напам'ять. Слова, яких немає в діючому стабільному підручнику англійської мови для V класу, подано після кожного вірша.
У другому розділі наведено деякі найпростіші загальновживані фразеологічні сполучення і звороти, що не ввійшли в підручники для V і VI класів.
Книжка призначається для учнів V—VI класів. Вона може бути використана також при вивченні англійської мови в дитячих садках.
This is the House
Of Pioneers.
For this grand House
Here are three cheers!
This is a peacock,
And that is a dove.
The peacock I like,
But the dove I love.
Here is soap and warm water.
Let me wash your head, my daughter
Get into the tub
And have a swim,
And you'll look again
Lovely and trim.
This is the doctor
And that is the nurse.
She says: "I'm afraid
That the patient is worse."
You couldn't be bigger,
You couldn't be fatter,
I really don't think
Any duckling much better.
Because you're hoarse,
You're scared you're ill.
To get well, all you want
Is one little pill.
Chuck, chuck,
What luck,
The best of seed
My hens to feed.
Watch your bait
And patiently wait.
Sooner or later
You'll get your wish,
And catch the biggest
Ever seen fish.
Now, dear Grand-dad,
We shall know,
Who is quick
And who is slow!
This is Jim Swan
And that's his brother.
They very dearly
Love each other.
That is your garden,
I agree it is fine.
You love your garden
And I love mine.
Here are two boys P
laying chess.
Who will win
Maybe you'll guess.
My Teddy-bear
Has fallen
Oh, what am I to do?
I'll go and call a doctor
And get a nurse
Or two.
Come, darling Lena,
And have your dinner,
I fear you're getting
Thinner and thinner.
Bella is making
A coat for Bunny,
Bunny looks on
And thinks it funny.
That's our neighbour's
Little baby
Darling Ann.
You know her mavbe?
To cook a splendid dish of fish.
Here is the very thing you wish.
What you cook is very good,
Tasty, appetizing food.
We shall make a note of that.
(We'll say nothing of the cat).
Do not wink and do not trot,
Or the thing will be a blot.
Don't you move.
Stand still and wait
Till I count from one to eight.
I can't reach the ceiling,
But I can sweep the floor,
And tomorrow I'll learn
To do something more.
Who are these?
And who are those?
These are sparrows,
Those are crows.
This is trolley-bus 22-A,
It goes to our village a very long way.
This is a dragon-fly,
That is a whale.
One is so solid,
The other so frail
What is a crane?
What is a crane?
This is quite easy to explain.
It's all very plain:
A crane is a crane.
What do you think
You've got to do:
To sit and whistle and whittle,
And others clear the mess you make?
You belter think a little.
Good morning, my darling,
Good morning, my sweet.
How is your nose,
And how are your feet?
Good morning, my sweetest,
Good morning, my dear,
I hope you are wcl
And keep in good cheer.
I am partly a dish
And partly a fish,
To be something simpler
Is all that I wish.
He'll eat it up
And leave no trace,
And quench his thirst,
And wash his face.
A very good thing
Is a ride in the street,
I'm a better thing still
Is to keep safe your feet